Me as a psychotherapist

Self-knowledge as a starting point 

It is really worth to express yourself. At your own pace

Why would you choose me to become your psychotherapist? 

My own process has been a great life lesson

I am not so young anymore...

That is why I have got some extra qualities   

Anyway I shall always keep an open mind



Numerous courses and workshops on particular psychotherapeutic issues and approaches. 

Basic education:
Psychoanalytic education, Le Champ Freudian and De kring door psychoanalyse of the New Lacanian School, Brussels, Gent, Brugge
Specialisation in Family and Sexological Sciences, KULeuven
Master in Family and Sexological Sciences, KULeuven
Master of Arts and Philosophy, KULeuven, UFSIAntwerpen

Aristoteles, Ethica Nicomachea, translation, introduction and annotations by Christine Pannier and Jean Verhaeghe, Groningen, Historische Uitgeverij, 1999